

Hi! We’re Alex & Megan, two millenials gripped by wanderlust and powered by the spice of life. Shortly after meeting we moved into a van together and never looked back. Our goal is to gain a greater understanding of just how small we are on this earth by broadening our horizons and traveling towards them.

I (Alex) was born in Duncan, British Columbia, and spent my first five years on Vancouver Island.  As a child, I spent most of my time outside exploring the forest surrounding our family home.  Early exposure and exploration of the outdoors fostered my later appreciation for all things outside.  I'm most at peace surrounded by big landscapes, blue skies … and often covered in dirt!

Megan was born in North Vancouver and has lived most of her life in the city aside from extensive travels abroad. Although she was surrounded by epic nature in her childhood, she was late to the party when it came to actually appreciating the outdoors. She started camping and hiking in her teens and early 20s, then found a minivan in 2018, tossed a bed in the back, and never looked back. She has worked hard at various jobs, always finding a way to take extended holidays to do multi month trips throughout BC, YT & AB, making her no stranger to the road, travel and living in a small space. She loves to cook and enjoys the challenge of making unique and delicious dishes while traveling.

This is Thomas, my 1988 Toyota pickup. This truck has been meticulously restored and upgraded to conquer rough terrain and multi week trips into the middle of nowhere. Our favourite pickup currently sits in storage awaiting his return to service upon our return from our three year trip throughout North and South America.

This is Betty, our 2006 Chevy Express 2500. Although I (Alex) was apprehensive about using this vehicle as our traveling home and not our more capable Toyota 4x4, I have since changed my tune. Our delivery van has been slowly tuned and honed for life on and off the road. We have taken this van all around the SW United States and more and intend to see the southern tip of South America through her windshield one day.